Me Me Me

This page is all about me. Who I am. The things I love. My favorite things and hobbies. What my life is all about.

Starting with...
  1.  My name is Erin 
  2. I live in Richmond, VA 
  3. I'm 26 years old 
  4. I am a full-time nursing student
  5. Music is my life.
  6. I love anything involving arts & crafts <---- (my therapy and release from school)
  7. Scrapbooking and jewelry making are my two favs.  (I also love to screenprint, decorate/home decor, & upcycle)
  8.  Etsy is my favorite website and I recently opened my own store there called, ChainedStories.
  9. The one thing I want more than anything is to turn my craft closet into an entire craft ROOM!